
Advisory Committee

The Advisory Committee ensures that the practices of CTC/DTILA fall in line with the most current psychological research and practices.  They meet regularly to ensure that our program meets the highest standards of mental health practice and that our facilitators offer meaningful and psychologically sound workshops and groups.  The members of the Advisory Committee are:

Pam Dunne, PhD, RDT/BCT.  

Executive Director, Creative Therapies Center, Executive Director, Drama Therapy Institute of Los Angeles, Professor Emeritus, Department of Music, Theatre, Dance, California State University Los Angeles.  Oversees the operation of both the Creative Therapies Center and the Drama Therapy Institute of Los Angeles. Chairs both the Advisory and Education Committees to plan the course offerings. She is a clinical psychologist.

Renda Renee Dionne, Ph.D

Licensed clinical psychologist and UCLA Certified Mindfulness Facilitator for both adults and children, Dr. Dionne is the owner of Mindfulness Practice Incorporated in which she provides workshops, trainings, curriculum development and therapy in mindfulness based practices. She specializes in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Somatic Experiences, Narradrama and Mindfulness and is a Cultural Consultant on American Indian Mental Health to Riverside County Mental Health.

Mona Afary, PhD

Director, Center for the Empowerment of Refugees and Immigrants, Oakland CA. Provides guidelines for training and evaluation of the content and the quality of courses being offered. Focus in training psychologists who can best provide multicultural mental health and social services to clients with complex needs due to exposure to violence and trauma such as refugees and immigrants.

Cynthia Kelvin RDT, PsyD

Cynthia Kelvin PsyD, RDT is a clinical psychologist, registered drama therapist and certified
poetry therapist. She has extensive experience working in community mental health with older
adults, individuals with severe mental illness, and adolescents in both inpatient rehabilitation and
private practice. Cynthia has led workshops and in service trainings to educate therapists on the
power of drama therapy in clinical settings.


Education Committee

The Education Committee whose members reside locally, meets regularly on an ongoing basis, no less than once a quarter, to carry out the recommendations of the Advisory Committee, to review the curriculum, to design and offer new and revised courses, to determine and revise the schedule of course offerings, and to evaluate and upgrade standards, and to monitor compliance with NADTA requirements and the standards of all affiliated organizations.  Current members include:

Pam Dunne PhD, RDT, BCT, NT

Trisha Jauchler MA, MS, RDT, CT

Kamran Afary PhD, RDT, NT

Clare Wren-Russ, LMFT, RDT

Pam Paulson, LMFT, RDT, NT


Grievance Committee

Drama Therapy Institute of Los Angeles and Creative Therapies Center (CTC/DTILA) are fully committed to conducting all activities in strict conformance with the American Psychological Association’s Ethical Principles of Psychologists. (CTC/DTILA) will comply with all legal and ethical responsibilities to be non-discriminatory in promotional activities, program content and in the treatment of program participants. The monitoring and assessment of compliance with these standards will be the responsibility of the Executive Director, in consultation with members of the Advisory Board, and the Continuing Education Administrator.  Members of the Grievance Committee include:

Kamran Afary PhD, RDT, NT

Rachel Brousseau, LMFT, RDT

3205 Ocean Park Blvd Suite 240. Santa Monica, California 90405 Telephone: 310-226-2865 (prefer contact by email) Email: or at: